Anyway, what I am trying to say, is that I never really grew up around boys at all--I have three sisters!--let alone any boys who liked horses, so it is a strange feeling indeed, that I get when my son says that there is nothing like the smell of a barn with horses in it, or that he likes to ride bareback better than riding in a saddle. What???? I never know what to say. "Uhhh...good Eric, all girls...I mean boys...should love the smell of a barn?" Don't get me wrong...I am thrilled that my son likes horses, it's just that it definitely takes some getting used to...on my part. He is thinking that he might want to join the Jr. Rodeo, and I am all for it, because I KNOW that there are cowboy mentors there!
Because I have been riding bareback so much lately, Eric said that he wanted to try it too. I think that Bo was glad to see the bareback pad come out again. Amber's new Western saddle weighs about 45#, and I always feel guilty placing it on Bo's back....only because I then place myself on his back, and that, combined with the weight of the saddle, is a lot!!!
To my surprise, Eric took to bareback riding like a cat takes to a plant takes to, I think that you get where I am going!!!

them a little large--so she can grow in to them!--and she said that they felt like they were going to fall off when her feet were not in the stirrups. Good grief, Katie!!! They are not THAT big!!!
Waska looks like he is being very careful with his new, bossy, little, rider, doesn't he?
Then it was Amber's turn to ride Waska. He looks a little worried about that doesn't he? That's because Waska is quickly learning that kids are easy riders...that they don't ask for too much...unlike his main squeeze, Amber :)
"Oh comes the "Waska, set your head," and "Waska, pick up the right lead," and Waska, half-pass to the left...then right!" I wish that Katie was still on my back."
Despite all of his grumbling, Waska behaved pretty well for Amber. He is still learning how to collect himself and pull it all together stop having his front end and hind end doing two different things at once?
Ahhhh....much better Waska and Amber!!!
When Amber was done working Waska, I stole Bo from Eric and we worked on backing and side-passing an "L," opening and closing gates...without letting go, and on picking up the canter from a stand still. Amber says we have to practice for the next trail challenge, so I do not look like someone who does not know what they are doing. Excuse me??? That sounds like a dare to me :)
Hope that everyone has had a great week so far, and I will have lots more to post this weekend.

Hope that everyone has had a great week so far, and I will have lots more to post this weekend.