Well, here we are!. It is officially Christmas Eve, and I wanted to get on and say that I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!! Thankfully all of the Christmas parties/festivities that we have to attend are close by (because of the snow), but Kevin has to work, so he won't be able to be with for much of Christmas/Christmas Eve. (I know, I am pathetic!)
Although I have been incessantly whining about the snow, it is kind of neat that we will have a white Christmas. That is almost unheard of in Western WA, and I have to admit that it is kind of pretty. (Oh bah-humbug...lol!!!)
Well, I am off to cook and bake, wrap presents, and clean my bathrooms. Doesn't that sound like a blast??? LOL!!!
Seriously though, from my family to yours....
Between winds
19 hours ago
Merry Sweet Chrsitmas Mellie and Family!!!!
XO KacyK w/ Washashe mare, Elsie catand husband Bruce !
drush + done rushing!
Merry Christmas! Enjoy the time you DO get to have together :)
I agree, as difficult as it's been, it's pretty cool to have the white stuff for Christmas. I just hope it doesn't rain and melt it off too much until after tomorrow! Once the melt-off starts, it's not so pretty anymore.
Stay warm and cozy and enjoy the time with your family!
Merry Christmas to all!
I found your blog and I love it!
Merry Christmas, and I will be back!
Merry Christmas!!
We are lame here too! We don't ever get invited to any parties. Sigh.....(see big loser sign blinking above my head!).....but yet I was up until 2 am. Not being wild and crazy, but crazily wrapping presants.
I hope you all had a great Christmas!!
You're not pathetic! I would feel the same way! Merry Christmas to you too!!
I hope that you all are together soon.
Talk to ya soon!
I wish you were over here! I would have you over for hot buttered rum, 80s movies and horsey girl talk!
The last couple days I seen Top Gun (love that volleyball seen, don't you?) ET, and yes the immortal Footloose!
Join me - its on again HBOFW - 508 on DTV 11:15 PM kids in bed? Grab a drink and join in. It really wasn't my favorite movie at the time - but its grown on me. It's great to shut your mind off and immerse yourself in the 80's again - check out the dresses, the shoulder pads - the colors, the music its great! Remember the western outfits!! The lingering taco hats? White stitching on tack? Black saddles?!!
So much fun - and yet I'm glad it over. Hug a pony! Think of me! Thanks for being a great horsey pal and someone I can talk to - or whine to depending on my mood - LOL!
People are thinking of over on the east side - smile :) [hug]
Scene - not seen - oh well, you all should be used to my typos by now...
Merry Christmas, Melanie!
I'm glad you're finding the joy among all that snow. It truly is special to have a white Christmas, isn't it? Just wish it was so much white, eh?
I wasn't even able to prepare my famous Holiday Overnight Frnech Toast, nor place the pressies under the tree and in the stockings, or leave Santa 'snow' prints around the living room. I had wanted to make a special warm bran mash for my critters, too, but wasn't even able to walk to the barn.
Christmas Day was spent in the ER and I was only able to watch my family celebrate Christmas from the loft.
Hubby didn't even get me gift...unless you count an empty box with an IOU inside for a camera. sigh...
This must have been my wors Christmas ever.
Bah humbug.
New Mexico
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