This past weekend we went up to Pyramid Pass
( elevation 4880 feet) for a snow-themed birthday party. There were quite a few of us, and we were all more than a little worried that we would not find any snow, as the snow level has yet to have dropped over here
(very unusual). The plan was to meet at the birthday boy's house around 9:00 for donuts, coffee, and presents, and then to head up until we hopefully found snow...something that is not usually difficult to find this time of year!
The large caravan of pick-up trucks and jeeps, which contained our group, headed out into the rain and wind, and it wasn't until we reached the top of the pass, that it suddenly started snowing...thank goodness!!!

Once it started however, it transformed the evergreen
forest into a winter wonderland in about one hour. The kids all had a blast sledding and playing in the woods, while the grown-
ups stood around the fire in an attempt to stay warm. The wind was blowing from
all directions up there, and if you were not right up next to the fire, you were cold, wet, and miserable...unless you were a
lol!!! Below are some of the guys standing around the fire. Amy (the birthday boy's mother), is one of those crafty and clever people who brought a giant propane stove, hot chocolate (with peppermint schnapps in it for the adults!!), a big pot of homemade chili, and
hot dogs. Needless to say, we were all well fed!!

To give you an idea of just how much snow we
don't have over here right now, the area we drove up to is usually closed to vehicles and designated as a snow park only this time of year. The friends that we went with are also all
snowmobiler's, and they said that by now the snow is usually higher than the tress in the pictures (about 12-20 feet)!!! Craziness, huh???

Above is a picture of Eric right after he crashed on his sled. It must be nice to sled in only five inches of snow and not be bothered by all of the lumps and bumps on the ground...
lol!!! Below we have Miss Katie coming down the hill with the birthday boy. She was all smiles that day...

...Until it was time to go home and she turned into my child again...

Drive daddy, drive (below)!!!! Did you notice that Katie and I are surrounded by
camouflage inside the truck??? First you had daddy in his
camo; then there was Eric in his; and finally there were/are the
camo seat covers, that are there to protect the leather from the
kidlets! Thankfully the heat from the heated seats penetrates the seat covers too, because I think that we all had cold, wet bums, on the way down!!!

All in all it was a fun day, and we can't wait for more snow to fall soon. I should mention here that I love the snow, but I detest being cold. I am fine being out in it unless I get cold and wet, and when that happens, watch out!!! I resemble Katie in the above picture...
I only have three more papers and three finals until I am on Christmas break, and I am so excited!!! I can see the light at the end of the fall semester tunnel. I also need to do a meme (tagged by Canadian Cowgirl!) and post a picture of all of our barn boots for Miss Lisa.
Hope you all have a happy Monday!!