So I think that I may have a problem.....
You know how I read the whole Twilight series during the months of December and January (last year)???
Well I am seriously considering re-reading the first two books; especially New Moon because I rushed through it. All I could think about was getting Bella and Edward back together again, and I don't know if I really read it thoroughly....
Or is that just my addiction talking??? LOL!!!
I am good with the last two books-they are together, what did you expect?-but I am thinking that I need me some New Moon. Hmmmmmmmm.........
(And it's okay if you want to tell me to "step away from the Twilight books." LOL!!!) I crazy????
I am in the middle of NEW MOON right now, it is really good. Must faster paced and more suspenseful than the first book. You are not alone. I have friends (married, all of them!) that have re-read the books,and, seen the movies numerous times! :) I have only seen the movie twice, but once Paint Girl finishes the first book, we will watch the movie (she has not seen it!) I love the series, I am just a little slow on getting into it, LOL!
Your not going to get any help from me as I have read the entire series twice and seen the movie multiple times. I can't wait until November when New Moon is in the theaters!
Hi! Thanks for stopping by earlier. Yep, fellow Washingtonian! :)
You must tell yourself and repeat it over again that there is absolutely nothing wrong with a Twilight obsession. That's what I tell myself anyway. Something about those darn books...they just reel ya in. I've read the series twice & know I will be doing it again in the winter (I don't read much in the summer). I loved all the books, but was especially entranced with New Moon. ESPECIALLY the second time around. So go ahead...go for it. You won't regret it! ;)
I'm officially on holidays for a week and my first stop tomorrow morning was going to be to the library. Maybe I should get this series. I've heard a lot of good things about it...
I just started the 4th book Breaking Dawn, the series has been a nice easy summer read, I did enjoy the movie. Who knows though they are still new to me so maybe in the future I can reread them.
Yea meetoo.
jrosey has the most hilarious blog in her blog roll...I have not bookmarked it yet but, it Is written by a abandoned husband to Twilight's really is written smartly and I laugh the entire time I read!And the readership...tons of abandoned men, I imagine!
Try it.. '~"
I have not chosen to read yet as i am sooo compulsive addictive jsutn having my least I do that when my husband is away...if I read the books, I would be gone, while he was in the room!
To all...
Thanks girls!!! It is nice to know that I am not alone out ther. :)
Girl, I am all about those books. I ignored my kids for a week and a half just so I could read all four of them. My oldest sister is in a group of woman called, "Twilight Moms" and they are going to be doing a party for the opening of New Moon movie. So, I think you are fine for reading them over and over again!! LOL!! I would read them again too if I had some time!
Did you see that sneak pick of New Moon over at Adventures of a Horse Crazed Mind? Awesome!!!
I wanna read it too! I can hardly wait for the second movie...
Update, Mel: I have one chapter left in New Moon and I have to loan it to PG because she just finished Twilight. I have seen the DVD 3 times in the last 3 weeks! And I'm wanting to re-read Twilight because I know there are scenes in there not in the movie and I'm forgetting details. Uh-oh...., so it begins! :)
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