Hello! I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer so far...I know that
I am!!!! We've all been pretty busy, and have been taking advantage of the wonderful weather that we have been having lately.
It has been in the mid/upper 90's-which is unusual-so we have been heading out in search of cooler areas. The other day, we all went to one of our favorite beaches on the sound, but were surprised to find that the tides were really high-even low tide.
Usually there is a huge beach to play on and several rocks and/or tidal pools to search for sea creatures in, but not that day. Oh well...the upside was that the water was only up to our waists about 400+ feet off the shore, and their appeared to be no riptide to sweep unsuspecting kidlets off of their feet.
(Below is a picture of Amber's little Chihuahua as he swam towards me)
The water was filled with seaweed-I love to eat seaweed, but not when it comes from this water!-and lots of other debris towards the shore. It's really quite sad when you think about how polluted the sound has become. A place that was once sacred and pristine is now filthy and uncared for.
There were also several jellyfish-there always are-and below is a small one that was floating by my leg...
I was really hoping to take some nice pictures of the area that we were in, but it is heavily populated, and there really wasn't much to look at. Last year though, we saw a wayward humpback whale out near where this tugboat was, and that was a really neat experience.
And what would a trip to the beach be without burying the kidlets in the sand???LOL!!!
On the horse front.....Waska appears to have bruised his coffin bone, and may be out of commission for one to two months. He has foundered before, so it was not a difficult thing for him to do.....
This means that unless I can find another horse to ride-or unless he gets better quickly-I do not have a horse to ride, as Amber will ride Bo instead of me. The farrier feels really bad about the whole thing, and does have a couple of clients who want to lease their horses out for the summer.

One is a $100,000 Warmblood that has a tendency to rear up and flip over when he is stressed out-no thanks!!!!-and the other horse is an Arab gelding that is used for endurance and trail riding. His owner broke her wrist and cannot ride him, and she is hoping to find someone to come out and ride him for her.
She lives about 35-40 minutes away, but the farrier thinks that she may let him come to Amber's house. I am just waiting for him to get back to me with the number, so I can call and see if it is something that she would be up for; otherwise it may be a long summer filled with no riding for me. :(
Oh well..things always happen for a reason, and have a way of working themselves out, right? Still...