So...now that you get to see a close up picture of Kevin, don't you think that the kidlets look a lot like their daddy? Of course, he doesn't get all of the credit...I did contribute 50% of my chromosomes as well...lol!!!
Anyway...Happy Anniversary Honey...I love you!!!!
The strange thing about me and running, or me and exercise period, is that I have faithfully done it for the past two years, with only a 10 pound weight loss, and absolutely no cardio improvement. I have been checked for every kind of metabolic, hormonal, and adrenal disorder, and I did learn that some minor things were out of whack, but nothing that should contribute solely to my inability to lose weight. And as far as my cardio not improving, I was beginning to think that maybe I had something wrong with my heart, although I have no other symptoms whatsoever. The naturopathic doctor that I see every now and then, suggested that my allergies could be contributing to my weight problem, and to my lack of cardio, and as you can imagine, I totally pooh-poohed that whole notion. I have always had allergies-just the seasonal kind-but they had gotten so bad, that I had been taking Zyrtec, every single day of the year, for three years.
This summer, I finally decided that I should have them checked out, because when I would try to stop taking the Zyrtec, I would break out in hives-scary! So, I went to the naturopath, she tested me, told me what I was allergic to, and then began to treat me for them, using some weird kind of naturopathic voodoo...not really!! Several times during my treatment, she would have me stop the Zyrtec, and then continue it if my hives came back. Well, I am amazed to say that I have been Zyrtec-and hive!-free for one month now, and all of the sudden, my cardio is improving, and I am losing weight. Talk about strange!!!! I have no idea how her treatments work , but I can definitely vouch for them, because I feel like a whole new person now. She told me that she thought that the reason that my cardio never improved was because of the fact that my allergies were so bad. The Zyrtec was able to keep the hives (your bodies reaction to allergens leaving your skin) under control, but it was unable to keep my airways from becoming inflamed, causing a similar reaction to that of a person with allergy induced asthma...scary!!! Of course none of this was tested by science, or an "MD," but she was obviously right with her assumptions, and I am so happy that I did this! :)
(sorry this photo is so cattywompus!)
Although Jen and I are no longer as close as we once were, I hope that she remembers that I do love her, and that it is OK if I don't always agree with everything that she says or does. Remember Jibbs, I am 12 years older than you, and have been through seven years of therapy, so I tend to think a lot differently than you do. Hopefully one day you will understand that. Until then, I still care about you, and I hope that you have an awesome birthday...even if I am not invited :)