Anywho...that is why I have not been around much. I am hoping that things mellow out somewhat at the end of next week (end of "J" term!). I didn't even get to go riding today, because I had to take Katie to the dentist. The horror!!! LOL!!!
Talk to you all soon!
At one point during the ride, Amber, who had on layers of clothing as well, decided to get off and walk a bit. She was hoping that it would warm her up, but it actually made her feet ache worse, because they were so cold. (If you look closely at Bo's ears(below), you can see that he was asking me why I didn't haul my fat a@# off of his back and walk...lol!!!!)
You never realize just how many spiderwebs and cobwebs are floating around in the woods, until they are frozen, or until you are the first person to ride through a trail...lol!!! Sometimes we take dibs on who has to be first, and thus gets to be covered in webs and spiders.
On to part two of this mixed up post..... (or not so mixed up post, depending how you look at it!) I have a minor obsession with Mexican food, and I love, love, love ,pico de gallo. I have been buying freshly made pico de gallo by the tubful at the grocery store, but after watching my sister, Jen, (who also happens to be a sous chef) make her own the other day, I decided to do the same.
Have you ever seen what a kitchen counter looks like after a person with ADD makes pico de gallo... or anything for that matter??? Well take a look at the photo below!!! (How does that darn Pioneer Woman always make everything look so organized and clean?? LOL!!!)So I chopped and I sliced, and I sliced and I chopped, and this was the end result.....
...And let me be the first to tell you that is is delicious!!! I had it for my snack, and for dinner!!! I love it so much that I just eat it by the spoonful...teeheehee!!! Is there such thing as eating too much pico de gallo??? I hope not!!! And eating it by the spoonful isn't bad for you right??? It's made out of vegetables...lol!!! (I am awfully giggly tonight, aren't I??)
(Speaking of random information...how about that inauguration this morning???? Can I just say that I love President Barack Obama???!!! I cried all the way to school, while I listened to his speech. I just hope that people remember that he is just one man, and that he alone cannot "fix" this mess that we have gotten ourselves into.)
So, in no particular order (except for the first one, because I want her to know that she is NOT a whiner!!) here are 10 blogs that have a great bloggy attitude! PS-If you have already been awarded, just know that I thought of you! :)
1) Lisa over at The Laughing Orca Ranch! I think that everyone knows who Lisa is, and even though she has been going through a pretty rough time lately, she is most definitely not a complainer!!!
2) Trail Riding Cowgirl over at All Things Horses! She is great and doesn't like the long, cold winter either!! Hopefully this will help bring some sunshine into her bloggy world!
3) Chelsi over at Adventures of A Horse Crazed Mind! Have you checked out this girl's writing, artwork, and YouTube videos??? She is amazing! LOL!!!
4) Brown Eyed Cowgirls!! BEC has some amazing looking horses, and she lives in cold SD, so she also needs a little bit of summer!
5) Gail over at At the Farm! What is not to like about Gail??? An Arkansas gal who lives on her family's farm, writes amazing poetry, and often brings tears to my eyes with her words.
6) Carolynn over at A Glowing Ember. Yet another beautiful person (on the inside and out!) who is also a gifted writer. Haven't checked her out yet?? Head on over!!
7) Stephanie over at The School of Life With Horses! Stephanie's blog is soon to be featured in Horse & Rider magazine, and she owns the horse that I featured in my "All I Want For Christmas" post!
8) Grey Horse Matters! This is an excellent blog that is always full of helpful tips for the horse and rider! It features beautiful horses, beautiful scenery, and another talented writer (I am starting to notice a pattern here...are you???)
9) Lytha over at A Horse Crazy American in Germany! She is a former Washingtonian and Arab owner, who know calls Germany home. There is always something good to read on her blog...trust me!!!
10) Natarojo over at Just Horsin' Around! Hmmmm...should I like someone that has beautiful horses and rides in a drill team???? (Just kidding!!) She always has a positive, upbeat attitude, and takes great photographs! She also needs a bit of sunshine in her world!!!Well that wasn't so bad now, was it??? LOL!!! All this talk of lemons and summer has got me thinking about another one of my favorite lemon beverages.....teeheehee!!!
PS-For those of you who want to play along, please see my previous post about the rules and meaning of the award!!
7) I can be moody!!! I wear my emotions on my sleeve, so you can usually tell what/how I am thinking/feeling by the way I am acting. (Just ask my family...lol!!!)
8) I detest phony/fake people. Want to get on my bad side??? Act fake!!!
9) I have greenish-blue eyes. When I wear blue, they look more blue; when I wear green they look really green; and when I wear nothing at all...lol (just joking!!!)...they are greenish-blue again!
10) I always have my toenails painted. I have a thing about feet, and get really grossed out by nasty ones!
Phew....I am done!!! Now that you all know a little bit more about me, I hope that you still come by and visit!! ;) Have a great weekend you guys!!!