What has my problem been???? Honestly???? I have had a really difficult time adjusting to working everyday. There. I said it. Plain and simple....I wish I only worker three days per week. I have been spoiled the last three years in school, and going back to work has definitely taken some getting used too.

I just wish I were home more......

When I was a nurse, I was "just a nurse," but now I have some serious credentials and education behind my name and other professionals actually listen to what I have to say. It has taken some getting used too, and I am not bashing nurses or other worker bees, because they are really the eyes and ears of the health care field. And CNA's??? They should get paid way more than they do...just saying.
So....I am still here, and I am hoping that I am finally getting into the swing of this working thing. Enough said about that for now.....
On the horse front, I have only gotten to ride a small handful of times lately, even though Amber now has the weekends off too. Why???? Because I only have my weekends to get hundreds of things done, which has included attending my kidlet's volleyball and football games on Saturdays, and taking them up snowboarding.

On the horse front, I have only gotten to ride a small handful of times lately, even though Amber now has the weekends off too. Why???? Because I only have my weekends to get hundreds of things done, which has included attending my kidlet's volleyball and football games on Saturdays, and taking them up snowboarding.
I know, I know...that's how it is when you work, right??? Oops, I am not supposed to talk about that anymore...lol!!!! : )
I wondered where you went. Glad you are back. We've missed you.
Love these cute snowmen you're posted.
I'm with you on working. I'm wiped out and I'm not getting that many hours but can't believe how it's affected my life.
Awww-Your back! Yayyyy!
Honestly, I hate to think what a mess I would be if I had to go back to work. I miss the regularity of it sometimes, as I am not much of a morning person unless I absolutely have to be.
Glad you're back...been waitin'
Ohhh! You are lucky girly! I was just going to leave you a comment saying that you had better update your blog soon because "Fall is Here" on the first day of winter is never a good sign! lol
Glad to hear you are doing well and enjoying the new job, you've earned it! I want to come down and see you in the New Year... would be awesome to get out for a hike so long as you dont work me too hard:)
Merry Christmas!
1st off, congrats on finishing school & re-entering "the real world"
2nd, I feel your pain. When we moved and there was a delay getting my internet back it took me FOREVER to catch up on blogs. But I really missed it too.
Mellie woman!
So very pleased to ehar of your happy delima's of work and family!
You have labored so long and hard to be right here, and look at you..you amaze me!
Yea, my man works in the Hospital as a nurse's aide(CNA2) he loves his job and I wish he got paid much more...but his satifaction is more inmportant!The benifits are GREAT though..that is worth it too as we always had been self employed, paying big bucks for health stuff.
Well, you take care and do what you must, blogging can be a joy a neat connection to cool folks and fun -AND ALSO-
a time eater.
MERRY and MARE~E~CHRISTMAS, from the mare and me- to you and yours!
I hate to tell you this, but the working thing doesn't get any better with time. Just sayin'....
Glad to hear you're enjoying your job regardless, though. Love the Snowman Santas!
All the very best of the season to you!
To everyone....Thanks for hanging in there and thanks for always being so understanding. : )
It is great to hear from all of you and I hope that you all have a Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas, Mellie! Glad you're back and I'm looking forward to stopping by again soon!
Sad to say, i didnt notice your absence due to my own. First janows health, then mine, then my computer! As roseanne roseannadanna said: "its always somethin'!"
MEL!!! You finished school! I too am back two more days a week working:( If it werent for billos I would be able to stay home and blog til my heart was content! I miss this blog world, I am trying to get back here. I hope your life is as wonderful as it is busy:) Missed you.
Interesting pics
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