Hey there!!!! I realize that I have once again been MIA, but unfortunately, school and life keep getting in my way. I figured that I better drop in to let everyone know that I am still alive, and that I am still planning on returning to blogging once I am done with school.
(Below is a fine art print by Sue Deutscher)

Yesterday marked the beginning of the end of my academic career, at least for now anyway, and I am really excited. Graduation is set for Memorial Day weekend, and believe me, I am counting down the days!!!
I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel and I cannot wait until I have my evenings and weekends to myself again. And of course, being the horsey person that I am, I cannot wait until this summer, when I plan on purchasing a horse of my own.
(Below is a fine art print by Rita Cortesi)

Don't worry, Bo will still be used occasionally, but he has made it pretty clear that he is enjoying not being ridden every week right now. He is 22, and has had a hard life, so semi-retirement is headed his way.

So, other than school, what have I been up to? Well Eric is almost done with basketball and he just tried out for baseball, which is just around the corner. Katie is taking gymnastics and working hard on catching up in school. At my relentless persistence, she was finally tested for learning disabilities, and it was discovered that she has ADD and a visual perceptual learning disability; hence her extreme difficulty in reading. She is doing much better now, but it will take some time....(Below is a fine art print by Cheryl Poland)
Anyway...I have to admit that I have not even had time to read your blogs, and I apologize for that. I hope that each and every one of you is doing well in your lives, and I promise to return to blogging as usual in May. Also, even though I am not a huge fan of FaceBook, I have been able to stay more current on there (as some of you know), so for those of you who are also on FB, feel free to look me up (Melanie Knutson) and stay in touch that way for right now.
Thanks for your understanding, and I will visit again as soon as I can!!!!!! :)